Discover your heritage, connect with your past, and find purpose

Preserve your family's unique stories and connect with living relatives.

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Have you ever felt lost, disconnected, or unsure about your identity and origins? It’s a common experience that many of us face. In our fast-paced lives, we often prioritize the present and the future, neglecting the significance of our past. However, as Marcus Mosiah Garvey wisely said, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.” When we lack a sense of roots and identity, it can leave us feeling confused, lonely, and adrift.

Fortunately, there is a solution. Embarking on a journey to explore your family history can provide the answers you seek and offer a profound sense of belonging and purpose. Through trusted sources like and FamilySearch, you can connect with your roots, uncover your heritage, and discover the remarkable stories that have shaped your existence. This article explores the compelling reasons why exploring your family history matters and why it is crucial to start this transformative journey today.

a woman and a child sitting on the ground.

Uncover Your Identity

For myself and my family-of-four, learning about our history has been a transformative experience in gaining both ownership and understanding of ourselves. Through exploring our ancestors’ stories and experiences, we have gained a deeper understanding of our own identities, and have also become much closer to our family who is still with us. By discovering the triumphs, struggles, and traditions of those who are no longer with us, we have developed a stronger sense of ourselves, and learned to more deeply appreciate all that has been passed down through generations. Connecting with your roots has helped us to provide a solid foundation upon which we can more lovingly build our own future.

Preserve Family Stories

Family stories are often passed down through oral tradition, but over time, they can be forgotten or distorted. When I first started researching our rich and diverse family history, including step-parents, adoptive parents, and donor parents, we were able to paint a much deeper, more meaningful family narrative for our children, which they can then pass down to future generations. 

Our unique family historical discovery has led us to such places as fishing villages on the California coast, Japanese Internment camps in Arizona, a landmark storefront in the Canadian LGBTQIA+ equality movement, the early home of a young married couple in the Midwest, the landmarks of a rich childhood in pre-war New York City, and pre-war immigration detention centers on two coasts. This journey has uncovered tales of courage, resilience, and love, and has brought our family together in ways we could not have imagined. We strongly feel as though we have contributed to the preservation of our family’s legacy.

a group of people sitting on a couch in a room.

Connect with Living Relatives

As we explored our family history, we came across distant relatives we never knew existed! Connecting with these relatives has been an incredibly rewarding experience, as we began to share information, stories, and memories. By reaching out to living relatives, we gained valuable insights into our family’s history and established lasting relationships.

Understand Historical Context

Studying our family history has allowed us to place our ancestors within the broader historical context, which has been an incredibly rich experience, especially for our children. By learning about their history, our children have gained a more comprehensive understanding of the events and social circumstances that are woven into the fabric of their own lives. This perspective has enriched their learning and understanding of history, and provided a deeply personal connection to significant moments in time. Helping our children to understand their family’s history within the context of larger historical events has deepened their appreciation for the struggles and achievements of previous generations.

Pass on a Legacy

By delving into our family’s past, we parents have had the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for our children, but also for future generations. We have compiled the information we have gathered and shared into a family tree, complete with links and documents that make it a true living document. By preserving our family history, we feel that we have ensured the stories and heritage we’ve uncovered will endure for years to come. Our family legacy has become a gift not only for our children, but perhaps for our grandchildren and future descendants, allowing them to understand their roots and take pride in their family’s history.

Exploring our family’s past is about more than just creating a family tree or filling out a database. It’s a journey of rediscovering our roots and establishing a stronger sense of identity, connection, and purpose. It’s about recognizing the inherent worth and value of our own stories and legacies, and leaving a lasting impact on the world. By embarking on this path, we not only connect with our ancestors but also gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Through exploring our family history, we uncover the triumphs, struggles, and traditions that have shaped our existence. We connect with living relatives, forging meaningful relationships that bridge the past and present. We gain a broader perspective on history, understanding how our ancestors were influenced by the times they lived in. Most importantly, we create a lasting legacy for future generations, ensuring that our family’s stories and heritage endure.

Join us and start exploring your family’s history today, and discover the power of your own roots. Utilize the wealth of resources available, such as and FamilySearch, to begin your journey. Each step you take will bring you closer to a richer understanding of yourself and your place in history. By embracing your family’s past, you will not only find a deeper connection to your roots but also a stronger sense of purpose and belonging in the world. Embrace the adventure, uncover the stories, and let your family’s history illuminate your path forward.